Who We Are

Lasseter Lundy Institute provides a full curriculum of learning for becoming a master of intuitive healing. The course material is unique to Lasseter Lundy Institute and provides a comprehensive education in energy healing, intuition and combining the two skill sets. You will understand how intuition and energy work, how these skills can be fully developed, and you will become more enlightened in the process.

Our classes include instruction in the learning and development of souls, soul progression, the multiverse concept of being everywhere at the same time (and how to experience yourself as everywhere at once). We provide practical exercises for expanding your consciousness to know everything and explore the ascension process with guidance on how to achieve moving to the next level. 

CEO and founder Wanda Lasseter Lundy talks about our soul experience.


Our culture of unconditional love, compassion, and spirituality mixes with learning the exacting science and art of energy distribution to ensure intellectual growth and personal development for all learners. Lasseter Lundy Institute develops professionals who fully understand the uses of energy and its applications. Our certified graduates will provide energy healing and knowledge that profoundly affects the life, health and welfare of recipients.

Working with Wanda has been a gift, helping me to open up to a deeper sense of well-being, hope, and a deeper inner spirituality.

Donna Jackson Nakazawa
Adjunct professor Douglas Macauley.

Instructors / Faculty

The Lasseter Lundy Institute Faculty are certified practitioners and instructors for our programs. They serve as coaches, mentors and course advisors for Level One and Level Two learners. They are highly skilled in intuitive healing and are well respected instructors.

Our Faculty Members:

  • Elizabeth Bava
  • Teresa M. Jones
  • Douglas Macauley
  • Rodrigo Ortiz
  • Judy Richer
  • Deborah Stellamaris
  • Wendy Wisner
  • Michaelle Wyatt

Read our faculty profiles.

Mentoring & Coaching:

Students will be provided with mentoring and coaching opportunities throughout the year. Founder Wanda Lasseter Lundy will provide a practicum twice during each year. Wanda also serves as the coach and mentor for faculty and Level Three learners.

Wednesday development group led by Wanda Lasseter Lundy.

All Lasseter Lundy Institute learners may attend group practice with coaching or schedule an appointment for mentoring with a faculty member. The mentoring is specific to the knowledge and skills you have learned in your classes. The group practice sessions are lead by a coach who works with a group performing intuitive healing and provides feedback to group participants to enhance performance and help you build skills. This time may be used to ask questions about how you are progressing as a practitioner. Individual practice sessions may be used to receive feedback and build skills or to ask questions about the material from class.

Mentoring Pricing

  • $50 per hour for mentoring up to three participants in the same session 
  • $100 per hour for one individual mentee
  • Two hour group development classes are $50 per evening, dropping to $30 per evening if 6 or more participants register
  • Practice sessions will be scheduled at no charge

Questions? Contact us